具体回答方式一:话题点分别表达很多话题中包含两个话题点,当遇到这类话题的时候,考生通常选择比较片面的回答。如Do you like to watch sports on TV? 考生则往往侧重于sports而非TV进行回答--No, not really. I do not like sports. Instead of sports, I like reading. I am interested in comic books, which own loads of pictures. 这样的回答看似完整,其实已经跑题了。话题变成了谈论兴趣爱好。虽然连贯性仍旧很好,但是考官可能就一头雾水了。这里,佩文教育海外考试研究中心的老师推荐大家使用话题点的分类表达,保证自己回答的话题中心准确,并且能够针对具体点增加具体性。Do you like to watch sports on TV?No, not really. I am interested in various kinds of sports. However, I am fond of doing sports like jogging by myself instead of watching TV. When it comes to TV, I seldom watch it, let alone watching sports programs on TV.按照以上这样先对体育进行回答,进而回答电视,就可以进行更有理据的表达了。
具体回答方式二:抽象词具体化面对抽象问题,如果考生同样用抽象的方法进行回答,这样不仅不能够把问题表达清楚,同样的,考生也会感觉自己能够说的点少之又少。但是如果能够把抽象问题具体的分类进行表达的话,话匣子自然而然就可以打开了。如What do you do in your spare time? 什么是spare time,如果笼统的回答的话,可能就变成了日常生活活动---In my spare time, I will read some books, watch movie and sometimes go shopping. 如果再具体说下去,也基本上是添加一些日常可能的活动,考生自己都会感觉这样的列举让回答显得比较单调。如果我们能够按照话题中的spare time进行具体点构思,如after school, weekends或是summer or winter holiday, 这样我们就可以列出不同的活动了。Spare timeActivityAfter schoolSpend time in library, completing assignmentsAt weekendsStay in dorm, watching movieHang out with friends, shopping Summer or winter holidayLong distance travelingPay a visit to friends or relativesWhen I got the spare time, like the time when I finished school, as a rule, I would spend time in the library, completing my assignments. Sometimes at weekend, I chose to stay in dorm, watching movies or hanging out with my friends. In summer or winter holiday, when I get a long period of spare time, I will go on a long distance traveling with my friends or paying a visit to my relatives.如上回答,把抽象词具体出来,我们就可以有更多的活动进行更加多样的表达了。